Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Stage of Life

"I don't need my name in lights
I'm famous in my Father's eyes
Make no mistake
He knows my name
I'm not living for applause
I'm already so adored
It's all His stage
He knows my name..." Just some of the lyrics to Francesca Battistelli's 'He knows my Name". What a truly beautiful song!

Recently, I was jamming out to the radio while driving home from work and that song came on... I was blown away by the powerful truth in it's words. Being a songwriter myself, I appreciate depth... Something deeper than a rad beat or repetitive lyric. After the song was over, I turned the radio down and did what I often do... I pondered. Many thoughts ran through my mind but the loudest was this- 

We have each been perfectly cast to play the role God created JUST FOR US in His masterpiece called Life. 

Now, those who know me even just a little know that I am drawn to dramatics and all things theatrical, which is most likely the reason for my love of 'He knows my Name'. The painted picture of the stage of life, us each playing a part in it's production and the fact that God took the time to craft each of us our own unique role was very inspiring. 

You have been cast a role that YOU AND YOU ALONE CAN PLAY! Don't try to constantly be like someone else and obtain their role... Don't get caught up in how large or small you think the role is... Don't worry about messing up-forgetting a line or tripping on stage. The Lord is constantly (and lovingly) correcting and directing His perfect production, if you listen to His cues and follow accordingly, you'll be amazed at the performance you give! So often we want to do things our way, we think we know best or want to change the script because we feel our idea is much better... But if we keep in mind that God is PERFECT and He is incapable of failure, we will live the performance of a lifetime that truly can change the world. I use the phrase "live the performance" because each and every day, the curtain closes- the stage is reset and we begin again on the stage of life. Do you want to put forth your very best? Do you want to leave people in awe and remembering CHRIST? Do you want to make the Director proud? 

We have each been given the perfect part if only we would choose to embrace it! I don't know about you, but I don't live for others... I live for God and for others to be able to join the cast and live for Him as well! I ask that you evaluate the stage on which you stand, because whether you realize it or not... You're a part of this production and we need you to make it the most successful it can be! Spend time with the Director (God), allow Him to critique and cultivate your talent (Prayer/scripture reading/etc) and then serve through your performance (living a Christlike life)! 

The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, the curtain rising.... Take your mark, friend...Now is your time to shine! Break a leg! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Mother's Song

My heart is the beating drum
to which only you can dance.

I feel and see your graceful moves
when upon my womb I glance.

So full of life and energy
your talent is already seen.

I pray the song my heart plays for you
is peaceful and comforting.

I'll continue to play my heart song loud
and enjoy your jumps and twirls.

Until the day my life will change 
and you enter this big, beautiful world.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The To-Do List

It's 2 A.M. yet my mind still aimlessly wanders. I desperately wish to sleep but I cannot seem to stop my mind from hashing and re-hashing my schedule, our budget, my household chores, etc... I cry because I feel overwhelmed, each tear holding a worry and fear and I think, "What are we going to do?".
I mentally go over, again and again, what needs to be done in order to make sure everything gets completed and accomplished the way I feel it ought to. The second my feet hit the floor in the morning I busily scurry from task to task, my life is but a check list: I don't live to LIVE- instead I live to check those mental boxes and move on. When I get home from work and walk through the door I immediately begin cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, etc... At times my sweet husband has to draw me out of myself and say "take a minute, sit with me and tell me about your day..". Although he shouldn't have to ASK me to spend time with him, this mental check list is so loud, needy and demanding that I often forget to enjoy the very thing I work so hard for: Our Marriage. I'm being honest here because I think many of you may find yourself in the same boat as me. We work ourselves to the bone in order to provide the best homes for our families; we want to make sure great food is on the table, clean towels are on the shelves and things are situated for tomorrow when we lather, rinse and repeat. All of these many things are in vain though, if we never spend quality time with the ones we work so hard to please. I'm finding that it's okay to cook a box of mac'n'cheese if it means I actually sit with my husband instead of slave over a hot stove and then run off to clean a million dishes. I'm finding that it's okay to use a towel more than once if it means my husband and I are able to take a stroll through the park instead.


As I thought about that mental check list of mine that is always demanding my attention I thought, "Wow, this sounds a lot like what I do regarding my spiritual life as well...". Ouch.
Devotional: Check.
Prayer: Check.
Church: Check.
Tithe: Check.
Sunday School: Check

(and the list goes on....)

We look at our spiritual walk as something we check off so that we can move on to the "important" or "pressing" issues. What would happen if, instead of simply "getting it out of the way", we chose to incorporate our time with God into every area of our lives? What if we prayed while we got ready in the morning, and sang songs of praise on our way to work, and pondered/memorized scripture while we cleaned, and asked God to give us wisdom in regards to our finances and simply handed EVERYTHING over to the One who makes all things? I know my life sure would look different. I would find myself being more patient when my husband might not take out the trash in as timely a fashion as I'd like, I would find myself showing more kindness to those who drive like loons on the road, I would find my housework to be a JOY and not a burden because I would be strengthened while I accomplished my daunting tasks. It is amazing when you realize that no matter how hard you work it will all be for nothing if you've not grown in and with the Lord throughout the day... Instead of viewing life as a check list, I encourage you to join me in making your day a constant conversation with the Lord where you also accomplish tasks throughout the day. We can still be busy and have to-do lists just as long as we include the Lord in all that we do and try to thoughtfully take time BE STILL and wait on Him to guide our steps along the journey.

My prayers go out to you as you strive to more fully align your life with the heart of the Lord and I ask that you lift up a prayer for me as well. We can and will see more drastic improvements in all aspects of our lives when we are no longer a big part of the equation :)
