Thursday, September 1, 2011

::Sleep-Deprived Ramblings::

A big, hearty "Howdy!" to all of you Facebook friends & blogworms! (if you can be a bookworm, surely you can be a blogworm- right? haha)

Since I'm pulling an all-nighter I'm desperate for things that will preoccupy me... so I figured, writing another blog would accomplish that AND help me accomplish another post, which I've been needing to do.
SO: here I sit.. restlessly on the couch..pecking at the keyboard & trying to riffle through my many thoughts!
If you know me very well, you know I'm passionate about my Jesus & I strive to glorify Him in the different aspects of my life.... You also know that I try to see Him in everything!
I'm constantly walking around, gaining revelation from things such as dried noodles & baby teeth. (yes, strange.. I know. I will try to blog about those at another time!)

The thing God spoke to me about today was another strange analogy.. but in all honesty, I don't care how strange of things He reveals to me.. as longs a He IS revealing things to me!

Today I was packing my plethora of clothing & such into my purple suitcase. The suitcase I used to consider big now looks overwhelmingly small due to the abundance trying to escape the confines of its walls. I came with a lot & am now leaving with even more... so, as you would rightfully assume, this serves as a problem.
As I stood there trying to develop a strategy.. I realized there were two things to do.

1) Shove more into my carry on
2) Leave some stuff behind.

Now, I'm not one who likes to give up my stuff. I can be a creature of habit...My "junk" makes me happy & I hate to get rid of my things. (I can picture my mommy reading this & saying "Amen!":P) I naturally didn't like having to leave some stuff behind.. but I knew that I had to... so I started trying to think about what I wanted to leave & take back with me. I had all of my original stuff... things I'd purchased for other people... a few new clothes I'd purchased for myself... & some (not all, but some) ugly souvenirs from different people.
I finally decided I'd leave those few souvenirs that I didn't really like. I mean, I don't have room.. I'll never use them... they'll just take up space at home, too.

-My mind is spinning with different analogies... so I'll do my best to explain what's taking place inside my brain. You may want to buckle up though, it'll probably be a bit bumpy!-

In regards to #1:
How many times do we not want to rid ourselves of things in our life, so we cram pack it into our "carry on"? We pack up all of our problems/pain & carry them around with us, wherever we go. It holds us back & weighs us down... but because we don't want to do without, we painfully do with.

In regards to #2:
How many times do we make room in our lives for the things WE enjoy, like, appreciate, find fun-beautiful-nice but refuse to make room for others? We look at our busy schedules & make room for an exciting event... but when asked to help or hang out with someone who isn't considered "The cream of the crop".. we're suddenly busy & unable to attend, help or serve. We push our "luggage"(lives) around to fit the things we like into our suitcase... but are willing to throw out the gifts (needs/wants) of a kind friend simply because it doesn't suit us. I'm not sure about you, but this spoke volumes to me.

I don't want to weigh my life down with things I could do without. I want to be free to go & do the Lord's work, without the baggage of my past pain, regrets or problems. They're not going to help me... they're going to hinder me. That's a guarantee.
I don't want to simply make time for ME, Myself & I... my wants, likes, interests & desires... I want to make time for those who are considered the "lesser" people. I want to make time to serve someone above going to a movie. I want to make time to lend a helping hand instead of going to a conference. It's a crazy thought, but what a powerful change we'd see in the world if Christians stopped simply attending conferences/events teaching on how to be the hands & feet of God but instead actually BEGAN being the hands & feet of Him! Wow!

I pray this was an encouragement & hopefully made some sense. It's about 2am here in Romania & I am sleepy... but I just love sharing the things God places on my heart. No matter how radical or silly! I'm thankful that He can & will use a sleepy & nonsensical,at times, person such as myself :)



(P.s. For your viewing pleasure: Since I mentioned the word clothes I'm going to act like this picture somehow ties in to what I was saying... but I wanted to post it mostly because I really like this picture & I wanted to share it with all of you. Aww, I know :P I've had to hang my clothes out to dry on clothes lines like this for a whole month. Dryers: I shall not take you for granted, ever!)

1 comment:

  1. So, this is my first comment on a blog, from my blog! If it comes out all botched, sorry. ;)

    I miss you and can't wait to hear all of the 'little' things like this that God has taught you in Romania!

    Great post (as always!).

    Praying for very very very safe flights,
    Silly Spoon

    P.s. If you go to London again, remember EVERYTHING so you can tell me all about it;)
