Thursday, September 27, 2012

-Chasing Rainbows-

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and 
remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on earth." Genesis 9:16

Rainbows are mesmerizing, causing me to stop and simply stand in awe of their beauty. It doesn't matter if I've seen one hundred of them, at the sight of one I begin a mini-freak out and start yelling "look! look! a rainbow..." wanting as many people as possible to acknowledge and embrace its beauty with me. Naturally, when I think of a rainbow I ponder what it must have been like when they first appeared- to see vibrant color splashed across the sky as never before. More than anything though, I think back to the promise/covenant God made with US, His children. Every time I see one it's like God's saying "I love you..." while that rainbow wraps around my mind giving me a warm, colorful embrace. 

There's another point of view that's taken when viewing that precious bow... one that's fun to contemplate but very far fetched. It is said a pot of gold awaits at the end of a rainbow and that a little leprechaun is to be found as well. While this is just a story, I couldn't help but do what I do best... Analytically break down aspects of that story and have it serve as a spiritual parallel. As most of you know, God speaks to me through analogies constantly and this was one of those moments. I hope you enjoy as I try to explain the revelation I got from something so simple. :)

GOD vs Leprechaun (Aka; Man)

If you were falling, who would you want to catch you? A tiny leprechaun or the Almighty God? If you were stuck in a pit, who would you want to pull you out? A tiny leprechaun or the Almighty God? In both cases a tiny leprechaun wouldn't be of much use because we'd crush them or pull them into the pit with us... But God is capable of our rescue no matter what. So many times we get into trouble and foolishly place our trust in man rather that the Creator of all. Why do we do this? Is it because we've been told that man can supply our immediate needs and help make us happy? Which, after all, is what life's all about. Ha. We've been fed so many lies and sadly I think we've started believing them. The little leprechaun at the end of the rainbow we're chasing after is supposed to give us gold- precious gold of much worth, right? We do anything and everything in our power to chase after that rainbow (job, relationship, money...) because we've been told that there's a great reward awaiting us at the end (CEO, Marriage, Millionaire...). We sacrifice so much to obtain those things but truth is, without Christ it all amounts to NOTHING.

1 Peter 1:7 tells us "so that the tested genuineness of your faith-more precious than gold that perishes, though it's tested by fire- may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

I find it interesting that the scripture actually references GOLD when referring to our genuine faith, don't you think? Given what we've been discussing. I can hope for whatever I want but unless it lines up with the word of God it will not prosper. Until I take action and walk the path God's called me to I will not be blessed or happy. The world is so desperate for happiness yet pursues things that only cause depression, destruction and/or demise. Instead of pursuing happiness which is circumstantial we should instead seek joy which is constant. Despite situations or feelings, joy remains in tact because it's not self-reliant but instead dependent upon the Lord who is faithful. 

Something More

When I was growing up I used to love watching "The Little Mermaid". When she'd begin singing.. " Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?.." I'd loudly accompany her while pretending I was swimming around the ocean myself. That little cave filled with many trinkets (most of which she didn't even know the names to) contained her pride and joy, it was her treasure... yet, she still longed for something more. I know, many of you are probably thinking "Sheesh, she's referencing Ariel?"... but just stick with me, please! The items in and of themselves weren't her treasure but instead the place from which they came... that was what her heart longed after.

Matthew 6:21 says "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

What you set your heart after is what you will pursue. Do you long for something more? For something far above? God gives us glimpses of heaven. He made us in His image and when He created the world He left His fingerprint on creation... Yet my heart isn't for the creation but instead the Creator. If you place so much worth in the things of this world that you stop longing for something more, you will always remain empty inside. The materialistic things you possess WILL perish someday, that's a given... just like that rainbow which is here and gone the next, so is our life. Beautiful as can be but still like a vapor, we are not promised tomorrow but with a relationship with Christ we are promised eternity. 


Rainbows cannot appear in darkness, a source of light is always required (water too) when a rainbow makes an appearance. 2 Corinthians 4:6 says "For God, who said , 'Let light shine out of darkness' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.". If your life is filled with sin and overwhelming darkness how can you expect to be blessed? How can you expect a rainbow of blessing and promise to appear? In order for that to occur you must let God in and be the light shining out of the darkness! "You are the light of the world..." (Matthew 5:14) and  "...ambassadors for Christ.."(2 Corinth. 5:20) once you get a revelation of that you'll forsake the temporary pleasures of the world. No amount of gold will be able to entice you into forsaking the One who gave all so you may have all! I love what 1 Peter 2:9 says which is "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you OUT of the darkness and into his marvelous light!". YOU can be a living rainbow radiating beauty, joy and peace to all around you, drawing them in with your genuine faith that's far more precious that any amount of gold a leprechaun could give you. What you need to understand though is that the light which shines from within isn't you but Christ IN you, so remain humble when people are amazed by your life. They're not pleased with you but the Lord within... but that's far greater than people being pleased with you, I can assure you.

So here's my question. Are you going to answer God's calling out of darkness and into HIS marvelous light? Are you going to stop seeking temporary gain and instead seek eternal reward? Are you going to quit relying on fallen man and begin trusting in God and His promises instead? Don't bank on luck or chance but trust in faith and promise. He loves us more than we'll ever be able to comprehend and it's my prayer that when you next see a rainbow, you won't chase after the little green leprechaun with a pot of gold (things of this world) but chase after our Glorious God who has SO much more to offer. Also remember that a rainbow doesn't come without the rain, so when you're faced with trials of various kinds.. remain standing and let God's light in, a rainbow will be the result and you'll have something to encourage others as they face life themselves.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

::Green-Thumb NOT Required::

Sitting in the back seat of a big van, bouncing up and down as we drove down tiny dirt roads, I remember looking out at the beauty of Romania. Lush green fields, breathtaking mountains, shepherds guiding their flock; it was a sight that will never be forgotten. During our long ride into (what felt like) the middle of nowhere, I sat quietly and gazed at the scenic view flashing by me. Once we slowed down a bit I was really able to observe and my eyes were continuously drawn to some beautiful flowers on the side of the road. I kept trying to figure out what they were but finally I gave up and asked...the answer, however, wasn't at all what I was expecting....

"Oh, those? They aren't flowers... those are just weeds"

"Weeds? They can't be. They're so pretty!..", I thought to myself.
How in the world could something so beautiful be a weed? It's uniqueness on display for all to see, captivating you with it's color and demanding your full attention. (I still don't know the name of the weed, but even if I did I probably wouldn't be able to pronounce it in Romanian! Ha!) They covered the roadside and grew in remarkable abundance. While still being surprised by the answer I'd received, God began speaking to me in regards to those weeds. I hope what I share makes as much sense to you as it does to me!

How many times do we see sinful things put on display by the world - enticing us to take part and inviting us to embrace? The world tells us "beauty/happiness is... [insert sinfulness here]" and we're to chase after it. We've been fed lie after lie to pursue sexual immorality, dishonesty, lust, jealously, vanity, greed, etc... and for what? To obtain a sense of self worth? You cannot find worth in worthlessness. To become more independent? To "find ourselves"? The season of sin (Hebrews 11:25) is short lived and produces nothing worth having, it's as simple as that. Like those weeds, which grow wherever it wants and destroys whatever gets in it's way... we, as people, do the very thing. Sometimes, we place our sin on display because the world tells us it's beautiful, we do what we want when we want to because it makes us happy and we feed our sinful passions without hesitation even though it often results in the destruction of those we love and the lives we live. The world promotes, endorses and glorifies sin at every level, attempting to make that the standard to which we hold ourselves to. How tragic it is to know that now sin is no longer frowned upon by the majority but condoned and commended! Once upon a time, there was a day when people sought to preserve their innocence. Once upon a time, there was a day when purity was praised. Now what do we find? Mocking, teasing and bullying if you haven't lost your "V-Card" by high school. Now, we find a man's sexuality being questioned if he hasn't slept with or kissed a girl by the age of 16 (probably even younger). Why is this the case? How can this be? I find myself asking this constantly but I feel it really boils down to this: We've lowered the bar of our standards and settled for average. Jesus wasn't average, He was perfect! And while we, in our flesh, will never obtain that same perfect status... we are to strive after perfection because THAT should be our standard - Christ should be our standard!

As I kept pondering, God continued to reveal things to me. I love it when He does that! :)

If you rid your garden (aka: life) of the weeds (aka: sin) when they first take root, it's much easier to maintain  than allowing them to dig deep, produce more and take over. Eventually though, that's what happens... We cultivate, feed, coddle and pamper our sin instead of ridding ourselves of it! It's hard to have a pure, radiant garden when horrid, ugly weeds have taken over...Actually... it's impossible! We must stop asking God "Why am I not producing a harvest?","Why is my garden not thriving?", "Why, why, why?", when the truth is... we've cultivated an atmosphere incapable of producing such marvelous things. The more light, water and nutrients you give your garden (aka: life) through a personal relationship with Christ, constant prayer and scripture reading the more pure and radiant a garden you'll have! When you allow weeds and darkness to overpower you, death and destruction are the only logical outcomes.. So don't act so surprised when that happens. Maybe you have embraced sin in the past and you're looking at your garden and you feel it's too late- I'm here to tell you IT'S NOT! God is willing and ready to rid you of that filth and restore you!.. if you call upon His name, turn from your sinful ways and enter into a personal relationship with Him.

I learned so much from those weeds that day, I've thought about it constantly since then. I refuse to embrace something sinful even if it's pretty, I refuse to embrace something sinful even if it's fun... Jesus gave far too much for me to waste His precious sacrifice on petty, worldly things. Instead, when the weeds try to plant themselves in my garden (which they will- and there's nothing wrong with that... Temptation/Sin is only wrong when you surrender and succumb to it) I will go through the painful process of defying my fleshly desires and rid myself of them! I will fight to preserve my garden, I will fight to maintain my garden and make it a safe place for others, I will fight to cultivate Godliness so that when others view my garden they don't see me but the handiwork of our most Beloved. Are you ready to fight? Are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of Christ? If so, let's put on our gloves and get to work- we've ALL got some gardening to do! ;)
