Friday, January 6, 2012

Promises Fulfilled: Part 4

"Hello, this is Brandon Blackburn..."

I do believe this is where I left you hanging, so I guess I shall be kind & pick up here. ;)

Moments before the phone conversation, my heart was racing & I was pretty much a nervous wreck. For some of you, you're daunted/slightly confused by simply the term "courtship"... but let me assure you, I was just as ignorant in regards to it too. While courtship had always been our plan, the entire happenings were uncharted territory for me. I didn't know what to think, how to feel, what to say or what to expect. I'd done that silly little thing where you rehearse in your head what you're going to say... I had come up with witty comebacks for a conversation which had yet to happen. I'd practice how I was going to sound the first time he heard my voice... but when push came to shove, all I managed to mutter was "yes." That's it. Just "yes." How incredibly boring is that? I could have said "Why yes it is." in a cute, dainty sounding voice... but I nervously said "yes" instead. My nerves were on the brink of fried. Little did I know though was that he was just as nervous as me.

While on the phone he asked me a little about how my day went & I did the same... but then he got straight to the point (after saying "Thank you for taking my call" at least three times). Brandon told me he'd spent time with my dad & had gotten permission to ask me to dinner that upcoming Friday. I, naturally, said I'd love to & we made plans for us & our parents to go to Saltgrass Steakhouse.

Our first phone conversation lasted all of about three minutes. Brandon probably set a record for saying "Thank you" in one conversation, seeing as how he thanked me for talking to him/taking his call about seven times-no joke! haha
(Note: Our first conversation was on speaker phone & in the presence of both sets of parents. While some may think that's strange, even then we were striving for accountability. There should be absolutely NO part of a relationship that needs to be kept hidden from the parents. If you have to be secretive, you need not be doing it! Simple as that. Besides, I was thankful I had my parents there to support me & help me remain breathing. haha)
Come to find out, after we'd gotten off the phone.. both of us said to our parents "Wow! I was so nervous but he (/she) made that so easy! I felt so comfortable talking to him (/her!)"

I'm sure you're all ready to hear how that Friday night went- "The Meeting". I guess a good place to start would be this.
I was pacing my kitchen floor like you wouldn't believe. Back & forth & back & forth I went. I think I nearly made a path in our tile floor! I was "all dolled up" & ready to go...excited but EXTREMELY nervous!
*knock knock*
I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing. Once I gained control of myself again, I looked at my Mom & we had a mini freak out moment. haha
My Dad answered the door since I was still freaking out a bit... He respectfully shook my Dad's hand but then I saw him ducking his head around my Dad's trying so hard to see me. (I don't think he knows I caught him ;P)
When I finally made it to the door & was able to truly see him for the first time, five words popped into my head.
Tall. Dark. HANDSOME. & Blue Eyes!
I know, I nearly did. I thought "Oh my word. Is this really someone here for ME?? Pinch me, I must be dreaming!" But it was for real you guys!- I'm sure you're laughing at me as you read this. That's okay, I don't mind... I'm sure I acted just like a little giddy girl. Haha.

Once we got into their van, I met his dad for the first time. He asked if he could begin the evening with prayer, so we prayed. I was so blessed by that because I was once again reminded of how much God was involved in the events taking place.
On the ride over, we talked & talked...even did a little "fly catching" (I like to joke about that.) due to the abundance in the van. What always cracks me up is how we were sitting. In a big van such as theirs, there are lots of rows. Brandon & I were sitting on the first row- I close to the window & he nearly falling off the edge of the side. I don't think we could have gotten any more away from each other if we wanted to! (I like to joke about that as well.) Later Brandon told me he was trying to be respectful & distance himself as to not make me uncomfortable... but it made me laugh because I felt like I smelled really bad or something!

We finally pulled up to the restaurant & were seated. Brandon told me to get anything I wanted- He was paying for everything. (I loved that because he didn't just pay for ours, but for our parents too. What a swell guy, eh? :D )

That night was overflowing with thoughtful surprises, heartfelt conversations & memories that will last a lifetime. Seeing as how SO much took place, I'm simply going to have to wait & post on that later... but I wanted to post this so you weren't bursting at the seams due to anticipation-however, I may have made it worse. Who knows. haha
Promises Fulfilled: Part 5 just might leave you in tears, so come prepared with a box of tissues (ladies & gents.)! You have been warned ;)
